Need some help? Browse our list of frequently asked questions and answers below!
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Deposit Services
Q: What is RVCU's routing number?
A: Our routing number is 273972596.
Online Banking
Q: How do I reset my password/security code in Virtual Branch?
A: Just click on "Forgot Security Code?" within the "User Logon" box and follow the instructions on the next screen. View security code requirements.
Q: How do I sign up for eStatements?
A: First, sign in to Virtual Branch, then click on the "Self Service" tab and select "eStatements" under the "Additional Services" menu. Once you've done that, select "Maintain eStatements" and check the "Electronic" box. Press "OK," and you're done!
Q: How do I export my account history to Intuit QuickBooks?
A: Once you have selected an account in Virtual Branch, simply click on the "Export" link in the top right corner of the "History" window and select "Download to QuickBooks" on the following screen.
Q: Can I use a money order to make a payment on my loan?
A: Yes, you can use money orders to make loan payments at RVCU. View all loan payment options.
Card Access
Q: Are there any limits on my River Valley debit card?
A: Yes, there's a $1000/day limit for point of sale and a $500/day ATM limit. If you are planning on making a transaction that exceeds the POS limit, give us a call and we can raise it temporarily.